- Video Translator

Description: Video Translator

video (58955) ai (10837) transcription (456) translate (442) dubbing (178)

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We use technically necessary cookies on our website and external services. By default, all services are disabled. You can turn or off each service if you need them or not. For more informations please read our privacy policy. \n","cookieaccepttext":"Accept\/Akzeptieren","btn_text_customize":"Customize\/Anpassen","cookietextscroll":"Durch das fortgesetzte bl\u00e4ttern stimmen Sie der Nutzung von externen Diensten und Cookies zu.","policyurl":"https:\/\/\/privacy-policy\/","policyurltext":"Hie

We want to support clinicians in hospitals overburdened by Covid-19 cases. Therefore, we offer an opportunity to upload chest CT data and get a “second reading” in return which has been done by a board certified radiologist.

deepc and M3i take care of this first step by creating an online portal for uploading and managing studies, by providing a safe and usable solution for proper data anonymization and by routing the datasets to our radiologists who will then create a structured report. The clinicians will then receive the results on their online worklist.