fathersongamejam.net - Father/Son Game Jam

Description: Game industry veteran making simple games with his 9 year old son.

gamedev (480) match3 (19) fsgj (1) prettypictures (1) ggj16 (1)

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After a couple of years of using our own code base and some Scratch we have finally come to the next inevitable step of using a modern engine. When we started that really wasn’t a serious option as I run Linux as my OS but with Unity actually supporting their editor on Linux we can now make that jump.

I use Unity a bit at my day gig but never for 2D games so it’s been a bit of fun learning some of the ins and outs. To make sure things aren’t too easy I’m working outside of the built in physics system to get a more solid platform physics feel. Hopefully at some point I will also take a shot at making it deterministic as well so we can do things like replays and networking if we get crazy advanced :)

In the meantime it’s just playing around with things and getting a feel for our workflow.