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Since Facebook got established in the year 2004, not only has it acquired millions of active users, it has also acquired ample criticism over its privacy policies. The reason behind the criticism is simple: the site makes it possible for unknowing users to put their private information on their accounts. This is the reason why hackers are so largely drawn to the website. Generally speaking, finding out how to hack a Facebook account now very easy for even the most inexperienced online hackers. Even more imp

First of all, you shouldn't add any unknown people to your Facebook user profile. Although there is a fad over Facebook to create a really long list of friends, yet the majority of these individuals have little to no idea as to who is on their list. There is a good chance that some individuals on your friend's list are just phishing websites looking to gain access to your personal information. Never accept these kinds of friend requests for they may be sent by online hackers keen on being able to access you

In order to prevent your Facebook account against online hackers , you should exercise intense caution You should never click any url's before verifying them, and links that you have reservations about must be ignored at all times. Visit Facebook.com and log in from there if you have doubts about any outside links for they might have been sent by hackers. There's also the basic fact that a strong password can help improve your hacking prevention strategies. Think of a complex password that utilizes alphabet

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