fcite.org - fCite - fractional citation tool

Description: fCite - a tool to quantify an individual's scientific research output based on the citations, RCR divided by the number of the authors

science (6247) publications (1085) reference (875) citation (171) pubmed (47) rcr (30) h-index (5) scientific research output (3) fractional author contribution (3) fcite (2)

Example domain paragraphs

A tool to quantify an individual's scientific research output based on citations, RCR, and the H-index divided by the number of authors in publications The input is the list of PMIDs or/and ORCID id. Additionally, you will be asked to specify all combinations of first, middle, and last/family/surname(s) for a given author The result is a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of the research output associated with a portfolio

Links to fcite.org (1)