feathersandflora.co.nz - Feathers & Flora – Feathers and Flora

Description: Wellington's first online nursery that supports the Wellington Bird Rehabilitation Trust. Beautiful plants to decorate your home, all for a good cause. Buy a plant and support your feathered friends.

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All Native Exotic Edible Garden supplies Donate/Sponsor About Contact Volunteer Submit Search Log in Cart Home Plants Plants Menu Plants All Native Exotic Edible Garden supplies Donate/Sponsor About Contact Volunteer { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Organization", "name": "Feathers and Flora", "logo": "https:\/\/cdn.shopify.com\/s\/files\/1\/0080\/2878\/2645\/files\/Lockup-Colour-Horizontal_453x.png?v=1613606786", "sameAs": [ "", "https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/pages\/category\/Garden-Center\/Feath

We have a wide variety of plants available, including native, non-native and fruiting varieties. All of these plants have been nurtured and maintained on site with the senior expertise of trade horticulturalist Warren Kerriush.

“When plants are purchased from Feathers and Flora, it is the Wellington Bird Rehabilitation Trust who directly benefits from the proceeds… Feathers and Flora enables the Wellington Bird Rehabilitation Trust to realise its full potential.” "Our feathered friends thank you!"