federal-government-of-the-world.org - Federal Government of the World — The Government for the entire humanity.

Description: The official web site of the Federal Government of the World (Beta). As the government of the humanity, we discuss and solved the global problems such as the environmental issues and global security.

humanity (297) global security (20) environmental problems (4) federal government of the world (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Unified by our shared human identity, we recognize our collective destiny. It is this sense of belonging to one global family that fuels cooperation. We view this unity as the bedrock of world federalism.

FGW is more than a political entity, it's a platform for unity in diversity. We believe in creating space for a myriad of thoughts and values under this global umbrella. It's this very diversity and our willingness to respect and celebrate it, that makes FGW resilient and robust.

We see a shared human identity as the potent unifying force for all of humanity. Beyond the traditional scopes of ethnic, national, and religious identities, we champion the embrace of a broader, more universal identity. This connection with every fellow human sets the stage for the establishment of a World Federal Government. Let's celebrate our shared humanity.

Links to federal-government-of-the-world.org (1)