felix-zhou.com domain details

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I am a 2nd year CS PhD student at Yale University, where I am fortunate to be advised by Quanquan C. Liu . Research Interests: I am broadly interested in the theory and practice of algorithms for large data and different notions of algorithmic stability. Examples include graph algorithms beyond the static setting and learning algorithms beyond the i.i.d. assumption. I am currently thinking about problems in the following topics: Online, streaming, and dynamic graph algorithms, possibly under privacy/Lipschi

Email: felix [dot] zhou [at] yale [dot] edu

My amazing collaborators (in no particular order): Quanquan C. Liu , Grigoris Velegkas , Yuichi Yoshida , Tamalika Mukherjee , Alessandro Epasto , Alkis Kalavasis , Anay Mehrotra , Kasper Green Larsen , Amin Karbasi , Lin F. Yang , Vahab Mirrokni , Chaitanya Swamy , Jochen Koenemann , W. Justin Toth

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