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Unfortunately, basically, the treatment of this tricor does not make sense, all the procedures that are used in this case will be symptomatic. Basically, children who have a severe form of the disease die within the first month of life. If the anomaly is still compatible with life, then the physiological and mental development of the child is considered very problematic. Mental retardation is not treatable, motor functions will be impaired, i.e. the child is unable to buy fenofibrate online and stand withou

In the event that progression of hydrocephalus is observed, surgical treatment is performed by shunting the 4th ventricle of the brain. This operation is performed to reduce intracranial pressure due to the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid. During treatment, it is necessary to take into account the presence of concomitant pathologies of the heart, kidneys, maxillofacial disorders. They require adequate medical treatment. In order to correct muscle hypertonicity and movement disorders, drug treatment and physi

In almost all cases, the prognosis for the future life of a child with Dandy Walker syndrome will be very disappointing. At the same time, it will directly depend on concomitant anomalies in development, chromosomal abnormalities and the period of detection of the disease. As practice shows, postpartum morbidity in babies, along with the probability of death, is much higher than when the pathology is diagnosed during pregnancy. At the same time, the mortality rate is very high. Among the severe consequences

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