Description: Florence SC Chiropractor Chiropractors Chiropractic, Florence SC, doctor, health, chiropractor, chiropractic, care, back, pain, wellness, subluxation, Ferrigno Family Chiropractic, Inc.Florence, SC Cheraw, SC DTS Decompression herniated, bulging, disc, headaches, neck, arm, leg, fibromyalgia, sciatica, manipulation, x-rays, activator, payment, plans, insurance, carpal, tunnel, muscle, spasms
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Thank you for visiting our website! Please take the time to explore our site to get the latest information regarding your health problem or concern. Our multispecialty practice provides our patients with a teamwork approach to their health. With full Medical and Chiropractic suites, we can offer patients total comprehensive care. Having more than one specialty under roof maximizes care and produces better patient outcomes. It reduces patient stress and allows you to get back to enjoying your life! Our offic
Dr. Mike Ferrigno, DC
Monday Through Thursday