festivalofthemaples.com - Festival of the Maples | Perth & District Chamber of Commerce

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In true Canadian spirit, Perth and area residents came out with their umbrellas, strollers and smiles to enjoy the 47th Perth Festival of the Maples.  We want to give a big shout out to the almost 150 vendors who set up their booths to welcome guests and share their products and services with all who attended. The Chamber encourages you to shop at these great community businesses.

We’d also like to acknowledge the tremendous support we receive from our growing team of volunteers, the Town of Perth, area fire departments, our partners from the Ontario Provincial Police and members of the Lanark & District Home Builders Association.  We can’t put on an event of this size, without help from these generous groups.

We’d also like to thank our local maple syrup producers for their ‘sweet’ contributions to the festival, with their latest crop of syrup and maple products to share. Our event is pleased to centre this celebration around this centuries-old heritage industry, as we know that Lanark County is indeed ‘The Maple Syrup Capital of Ontario’.

Links to festivalofthemaples.com (6)