fgnutrition.com - Fitness and Wellness Specialist | Feel Good Nutrition

Description: Nutritionist Registered Dietitian Diet Health Exercise Feel Good Nutrition Consultant in Indiana

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Does this sound like you…   • Tried every diet under the sun and you’re fed up

  • Want to still enjoy the foods that make you happy   • Would like to lose some weight, but not be cover model ready because you know that shit is photo shopped anyway   • Want to be stronger and more confident

Well then I have good news for you. You’ve come to the right place. We’re all about eating healthy most of the time and getting our sweat on, but we like pizza and ice cream too. Oh, and an adult beverage or two. Look, I’ll put this as simply as I know how. My goal is to improve the health and fitness of everyone I work with while still having a good time on this trip around the sun. I’ve been in the health and fitness industry for over 10 years. I’ve worked with a countless number of clients and I have see