- - The Future of Fiction Editing

Example domain paragraphs

New: The first FictionFixer Bestselling Novel Identification Contest . Click the blue ribbon to the right to go to the contest rules and download the sample FictionFixer analysis. If you identify the novel, you will win " The Works! " (Grand prize = $2,500 value).

Quick Links:     FictionFixer  Output Sample   (40 pages) This sample is from version 1.0 of the engine; nearly all the future "enhancements" mentioned have been implemented in the current version (2.1.5)     FictionFixer  Information Flyer   (2 pages)

FictionFixer ™ applies computational literary stylistics (including corpus linguistics), deep-structure pattern-recognition, predictive modeling, and information theory to enhance a book’s potential position on "the list." The software is unique because the developer's background enables us to apply to creative writing, analytical methodology hitherto reserved for music.

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