- File-O-Meter: open source webbased Document Management System

Description: The OpenSource Document Management System (DMS) File-O-Meter is supporting classification systems such as KKS Power Plant Classification System.

open source (4415) dms (673) document management system (122) archiving (110) kks (40) webbased (26) opensource-software (19) power plant classification system (1)

Example domain paragraphs

The requirements for the quality of the data are rising for both constructor and operator in order to minimize the post-processing costs for the use in ERP or CAFM systems. A DMS helps to meet these requirements.

Because there are no licensing fees for an open source Document Management System, it is particularly interesting for small and medium sized companies and organizations from all industry sectors that have shied away from using a DMS up to now due to licensing fees.

Effective instead of efficient The strength of common DMS is the efficient handling and storage of a large number of unified documents. But what, if the most different data types and -formats shall be handled, stored and found effective (with little time and effort) - as ususal in plant construction?

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