Description: Need to start your Florida LLC? Call Taft Street Law Firm business formation attorneys at 833-823-8529 and we'll get you started.
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The LLC filing fee in Florida is $125, this is included in all of our package prices. Unlike others you find online the price above is our FINAL price for each package. Other companies will tell you it's only $50 to file your Florida LLC, and then by the end of it you're paying north of $300 for their basic package. We're up front.
Technically it's not required, but we advise that you register for one. We have a page about the Employer Identification Number that explains more, but in summary there are very few times when you absolutely don't need an EIN. If you are going to pay taxes, have employees, or open a business bank account for instance, an EIN is needed.
Yes! If you buy our executive package when filing for your Florida LLC, we will email you a Small Business StartUp Kit , which includes various free forms.