- Filial Generation : The Interactive Portfolio of Brent Simmons

Description: Filial Generation, The Online Portfolio of Brent Simmons. Interactive Designer + Front End Developer

music (53701) guitar (5791) pr (4158) morgan (328) marketing director (56) friedman (52) artist relations (8) brent simmons (1) filial generation (1) boutique amps distribution (1)

Example domain paragraphs

It was 1998, my band was broke & needed a website (Remember, there were no social networks back then, only & a website, both of which were essential to a band's survival). A vote was taken & because of my artistic nature I was chosen to take on the task. I started working on my own sites, steadily building up my skill set from modifying templates to designing graphics, learning html & even writting my own javascript from scratch. My work became better & began catching the eye of piers amongst the co

