Description: A Game Changer for the FILM INDUSTRY.
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Generated $9 Billions at the box-office alone during 2016, not including all the additional ancillary (non-theatrical) market revenues. Have you heard of the Crypto Film Fund? Blockchain Technology has the potential of funding cryptocurrencies for artists, independent filmmakers, and video game creators. Cryptocurrency is a great investment if you want to gain exposure to digital currency. In that sense, the Bitcoin Revolution website is widely regarded as the perfect platform to start your Bitcoin business
Lies in the 60 million LatinX living in the U.S., specially within the 8.3 million LatinX frequent moviegoers (go to the movies once a month or more) who yearn to see good stories they can relate to and familiar faces playing roles they can identify with.
8.3 million Latinx frequent moviegoers spend up to $2.3 Billions at the box-office alone, year after year .