Description: AcuHealth Acupuncture of the Finger Lakes is a holistic healthcare clinic that offers customized solutions to an individual’s healthcare concerns. Located in the heart of the Finger Lakes since 2009, we offer acupuncture, herbal medicine, chiropractic, diet and lifestyle therapies. Call the office or book online for in-person or virtual appointments.
healthcare (6241) acupuncture (3731) chiropractic (2729) alternative medicine (912) herbal medicine (545) finger lakes (231)
Discover customized healthcare solutions at AcuHealth. Call today with any questions you might have. We would love to hear from you. (New patients are not able to book on line due to the health insurance verification process)
AcuHealth’s team of acupuncturists, herbalists and a dual-licensed chiropractor customize your care to best address all of your healthcare concerns. You become part of the team as we educate and work together to cultivate a treatment plan that fits your unique health and lifestyle concerns. Together we can work to achieve a better quality of life that lasts.
Our online calendar is is HIPAA compliant, to protect you and your healthcare information