EN ES Facebook Twitter Linkedin About us News Contact Reliability for a hyper-connected future Learn more Contact us! Full name Email In what service are you interested? Project development Web Other Message Let's connect Facebook Twitter Linkedin © 2018. Fiqare. All Rights Reserved 14th April 2020 The work for the Smart City and Internet use cases of the FIQARE project is progressing well. Now that we have reached Milestone 3, the work on the FIQARE project is progressing at a good pace and without delay.
fiQare develops an innovative methodology based on artificial intelligence. We analyze FIWARE technology automatically using eight axes of ISO 25010 standard, to measure the quality of IoT (Internet of Things) Platforms, such as Smart Cities and Factory 4.0
fiQare takes FIWARE as a target for its analysis. FIWARE is a middleware for the development and deployment of future Internet applications. FIWARE open APIs are known as Generic Enablers (GEs); fiQare acts on these GEs, improving their quality.