- Home Fire Sprinklers | NFPA

Description: Learn more about the NFPA Fire Sprinkler Initiative, installation requirements, fire sprinkler coalitions, and related information.

homeowners (715) fire sprinklers (86) fire service (67) policy makers (22) residential sprinklers (14) home fires (6) fire sprinkler initiative laws and legislation fire research fire or emergency related injuries

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Home fire sprinklers are a crucial, life-saving technology, since the risk of dying in a reported home fire is 85 percent lower if sprinklers are present.

NFPA Fire Sprinkler Initiative is an advocacy campaign aimed at increasing the number of new, one- and two-family homes protected by fire sprinklers. It helps stakeholders navigate the code-making and legislative process to get fire sprinkler requirements for new homes passed in their communities. The initiative offers an array of free research, resources, and on-the-ground support that can help sprinkler advocates underscore the life-saving impact of home fire sprinklers. NFPA also assists sprinkler coalit

NFPA's Faces of Fire campaign underscores the impact of home fires on people, families, and whole communities. Hear from burn survivors whose lives have been altered by fire and fire service members with career-ending injuries. Adding to these stories of loss are homeowners saved by fire sprinklers and builders who have embraced this technology, which can significantly reduce the risk of injuries or loss from a fire.

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