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Pebble just announced their 2nd-gen watch a couple days ago. They put it up on Kickstarter yesterday morning for a 31-day fundraising session. They reached their minimum in about 20 minutes.  As of the end of day 2 they were getting close to the $10M mark and they’re well on their way to breaking the Kickstarter record currently held by a cooler .The device itself is going to be running an ARM M4 at 100MHz (vs. ARM M3 at half the speed on the first-gen device). It comes with 64KB of RAM, Bluetooth class

Version 3.0 of their SDK with support for a Color Pebble Time emulator. They also provided a bit more information on differences in hardware:

The main difference at the API level is, obviously, support for 64-colors, but also inclusion of an animation engine. The display itself has a fairly high refresh rate so on-device animations look reasonably smooth.

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