- Fish & Fiber Study

Description: Join us in a study of the benefits of fish oil & fiber! Diet is an important risk factor for colorectal cancer. Epidemiologic studies suggest that people who consume high-fiber diets or take Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplements may have a lower risk of colorectal cancer.

omega-3 (316) dietary supplements (287) colorectal cancer (100) colon cancer (96) gut microbiome (5) public health sciences (5) diet disease association johanna w lampe meredith hullar fish 'n' fiber

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We are here for you and your loved ones beyond your cancer diagnosis. Find information related to your care at Fred Hutch. Our team members will help you with your medical records, financial assistance, housing questions and other services.

Fish oil and fiber together reduce colon tumor formation in animals. In humans, there are only studies looking at each separately. We want to understand how the combination works in healthy humans. We will look at changes in health markers and in the gut microbiome.

Participants will take study supplements during two periods. For one month it will be fish oil and corn fiber and for the other, corn oil and a non-fiber corn product (placebo). We will compare the effects within each person.