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“Energy & persistence conquer all things.” Benjamin Franklin buy, sell, blog and watch fitness videos See Info Below Buylocali Map Fitness Fitness Barbell Excercise Barbell Bench Press Exercise Barbell Bent-Over Row Exercise Barbell Deadlift Exercise Barbell Front Squat Exercise Barbell Hip Thrust Exercise Barbell Lunge Exercise Barbell Overhead Press Exercise Barbell Power Clean Exercise Barbell Push Press Exercise Barbell Rack Pull Exercise Barbell Romanian Deadlift Exercise Dumbbell Excercise Dumbbell Ar

At the end of the freshman year, it was tradition for the best of the freshman players to be called up to the Varsity Team. We couldn’t actually “play” with the “big boys” but we could sit on the bench during the traditional Thanksgiving Day game against our arch rivals from a neighboring High School.

That year coach Foley chose eight players from the Freshman team to go to Varsity. Guess which player I was. If you said number “eight”, move to the head of the class. Coach Foley called the first seven names in rapid succession. But there was a long pause between number seven and number eight.

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