- Public Policy: Fix America's Future

Description: Five challenges facing America are identified. Public policy reforms in seven areas including retirement, health care, energy, environment, taxes are proposed.

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Dear Fellow American:

Are you concerned about America’s future? Most Americans have come to understand that something is wrong with America – even if they don’t know what it is. The purpose of Fix America’s Future is to explain the challenges facing America and propose solutions to America’s challenges. Fix America’s Future is a book (technically, an unpublished manuscript) that is divided into three sections: key challenges, policy principles and policy reforms (i.e., solutions). There are five key challenges facing America:

Each of these challenges must be solved successfully or America’s future – and the future of every American – will be in jeopardy. But what to do? Many currently proposed changes are driven by politics and/or ideology and won’t solve America’s challenges. Most will make things worse. By contrast, the analysis in Fix America’s Future is data-driven. However, the proposed solutions can never be fully divorced from the analyst’s values. The section on policy principles connects the section on key challenges wi