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Expedition Everest is perhaps the most exciting and thrilling ride in all of Disney World (or at least darn close to Rock N' Roller Coaster). The theme is great, from the original content to the giant animatronic "Yeti". Eiki and I love it. We love it so much that we care...

My main improvement suggestion has to do with extending the theme of the ride to environmental effects. So for those of us fortunate enough to have experienced the ride, we all know that the most exciting portion of the ride is the lift hill (like most roller coasters). You go high up and those seeds of fear are telling you that you must come down... What better time would there be to dump some cold air and snow onto the guests... We are travelling into the mountains after all.

Realistically real snow is just too expensive, but Disney is no stranger to fake snow, and it still would provide good theming. I figure they could use a couple of the "bubble" snow makers that line Main Street U.S.A. for Christmas events and place them in the overhang that you go through in the middle of the lift hill. Then when you get to the top, they could use a variety of wind making devices and a couple high-power AC units to direct cold air around. This would probably complete the effect, and add jus