- Fix The Patent Laws

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Media Statement: Thousands are dying and suffering because they can’t access patented medicines. The time to Fix South Africa’s Patent Laws is now!  8 November 2021 — Activists from the Fix The Patent Laws Campaign will march to the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC) tomorrow 9 November 2021 to urge the government to […]

MEDIA ADVISORY: ACTIVISTS TO MARCH TO DEPARTMENT OF TRADE, INDUSTRY AND COMPETITION TO #FIXPATENTLAW ON 9 NOV 2021 People in South Africa are needlessly suffering and dying because many patented medicines are unaffordable. The time to Fix South Africa’s Patent Laws is now!  5 November 2021 — Activists from the Fix The Patent Laws Campaign […]

· APRIL – The Bill of Rights comes into force in South Africa outlining the new democratic government’s constitutional obligations including the progressive realisation of the right to have access to health care services.

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