flammablesafetycabinet.com - Jamco Flammable Safety Cabinets – We don't compromise on safety.

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"The safety steel cabinet from Jamco is everything that I thought it would be. Solid steel construction and made in the USA."

Play Video Solid, Fully Welded Construction Ensures cabinet is highly durable Patented Concealed Self-Close Mechanism Protects against in-use damage 4’’ Heavy-Duty Bullet Hinge Self lubricating and resists environmental dirt 14-Gauge Steel Door Up to 52% more steel for extra durability Galvannealed Steel Bottom Rust resistant to extend the life of your cabinet Manufactured In The USA Provides the quality you deserve Solid, Fully Welded Construction Ensures cabinet is highly durable Patented Concealed Self-C

How much does the cabinet weigh in lbs? Our FM45 model weighs approximately 368 lbs., and FS45 model weighs approximately 388 lbs. Other sizes and models are also available on Amazon.