flawaiq.com - Intelligenter Erste Hilfe Koffer flawa iQ setzt neue Massstäbe!

Description: flawa iQ, die neue Generation intelligenter Erste Hilfe Koffer: überwacht & bestellt verwendetes Material selber nach, mit Alarmfunktion.

Example domain paragraphs

flawa iQ gives me confidence that I have fulfilled my duty of care to our employees in relation to occupational health requirements and to protect our brand and reputation.

With the automated re-procurement of used dressing materials as well as the electronic monitoring of expiry dates, periodic control visits are no longer necessary. In addition, thanks to flawa iQ, we can dispense with internal dressing material warehouses.

The iQ Portal helps me to have an overview of all case statuses in the company. Injury modules taken from the portal also provide me with important information about accidents in the workplace, some of which are not communicated to me.