flexicoder.com - Mobile App Development | Flexicoder Ltd, Sussex, UK

Description: Based in the UK, I design, develop and release professional Mobile Apps for iPhone/iPad (iOS) and Android. Each application is unique and tailored to your requirements.

development (16942) android (9613) iphone (8124) apple (5126) ipad (4381) ipod (889) swift (760) appstore (729) touch (592) kotlin (281)

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Mobile apps are becoming more important to ensure your business is available for people using Smartphone technologies.

Hello my name is Paul Ledger and this site will hopefully give you an insight into my skills , background and achievements. I am a freelance mobile application developer , based in Sussex, in the UK, and I've been creating apps since the Apple AppStore opened. I have developed over 35+ apps that I've either written for my own company or for clients.

But Apple aren't the only company with a mobile platform so I also develop Android Mobile Apps. The platforms you need to target will ultimately be driven by the audience of your app requirements.

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