flipintu.com - Wild Fig Books – Everything you need to know about books

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Everything you need to know about books

For a writer, a book is, first and foremost, a vehicle that tells a specific story and shares a particular message that you want to share with the world. While sharing your message and story with the world is certainly paramount, if you want to have your writing published, it’s important to understand that a book is also a business. Think of it this way: the book is the business and you, the author, are the CEO of that business.

Like any other business in any other industry, a book needs to have a business plan. In the world of publishing, that plan is known as a book proposal. Successful writers realize this, and they understand just how important a good book proposal is to their success. That’s why they take the time to craft great proposals. Why? Well, to put it simply, it’s because just like with any other business, having a good plan in place increases the chances of achieving success. 

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