Description: The purpose of this group is to save Flixton Green Belt environment from development into houses.
working today for a brighter (1566) and better tomorrow (1566)
The work to further this aim was hampered as we are all aware by a global pandemic. But now as we recover from those dark times the work continues behind the scenes to see the project through and we hope to deliver some good news very soon. With that end we feel the groups direction must also change to focus on the future. So from the 31st October 2022 ‘ Save Flixton Green Belt ’ will be known as ‘ Flixton Green For All ’ to encompass the groups values moving forward.
Our aims and objectives for ALL our Greenspaces shall be to:
a) ENGAGE - with any relevant organisations and public bodies to locate specific green spaces that are in need of repair and improvement and encourage open discussion that will provide progress for these areas. Communicate with the local community and get an understanding of their vision & needs of their local green spaces & what could be improved to enable access for all.