floates.com - Float Tank Epsom salt float tanks isolation tanks

Description: Epsom salt float tank Float tank manufacturer San Juan Floatation Tanks isolation tanks, Hydro Tread show and sales this weekend Friday 12/6/2024, Saturday 12/7/2024 and Sunday 12/8/2024 .�®����

float tank (31) epsom salt (17) isolation tanks (2)

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The first isolation tank was developed by Dr.John C.Lilley when working for the National Institute for Mental Health(USA) to find out what would happen to the brain if it were deprived of external stimuli. Isolation tanks function by allowing a user to float in a concentrated solution of Epsom Salts maintained at such a temperature that the user feels neither hot nor cold.This temperature has to be very precise as after prolonged floating variations of over half a degree can cause either sweating or shiveri

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