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Description: Floating Accommodations, We love it when we can provide our customers with a waterfront view to their housing needs.

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We love it when we can provide our customers with a waterfront view to their housing needs. That’s why we have the best and most creative people in the industry on hand to give you a turnkey solution or just provide expertise.. Learn More

After providing expertise and charter for Accommodation purpose for close to 10 years, the management team of US Shipmanagers in cooperation with US-Shipbrokers teamed  up and created a dedicated team of professionals that have done numerous accommodation charters and services in the past and now can offer our clients a turn-key solution.

We are happy to  announce that our successful charter with New Fortress Energy Jamaica will be wrapping up by months end. Floating Accommodations provided the MV Berakah as an accommodation vessel for New Fortress Energy for their subcontractors housing needs during the build out of their offshore LNG Terminal in Portland Bight Jamaica by Old Harbor .

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