floatingpixels.com - floating pixels — experience emerges

Description: Experience is formed by the sum of interactions people have with your brand. When all interactions naturally make sense together, something magical happens.

design (77386) management (14015) engineering (10076) strategy (6422) experience (3533) holistic (2343) integrated (392) impactful (52) user journeys (15)

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Understanding what your brand is all about and where it’s moving lets us shape a great brand experience together. We build meaningful user journeys and map them to the experience. This forms the basis for establishing an experience strategy and brand system, from voice and positioning through impactful design language all the way to storytelling.

EXPERIENCE DESIGN We create impactful design that attracts people to your brand at each interaction across the experience. Do not limit yourself by compartmentalizing design into categories, but get holistic experience design out of one hand.

A team of experienced developers and engineers delivers the full experience out of one hand, from digital to physical aspects. This ensures web, apps and physical components work seamlessly together.