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Description: We deliver top quality floatation tanks worldwide. Swedish design. Personal service

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The Aqua Anima float tank from Sweden is an affordable sensory deprivation tank which has been used in Sweden, Norway and elsewhere for over a decade. Sweden is still home to the most number of float tank centers per capita, and Floatingrest is proud to be a principal supplier in Sweden. This floatation tank is as big as a car and has all you need to achieve a perfect float environment at home or your floating center.

The egg-shaped float pod tank has four parts: a top, bottom, door and the filtration system area. An insulating material covers the inside each part, preventing heat from leaving the tank which means less use of energy. The materials and design also reduce the amount of external noise which could carry into the interior and disturb the floater.

Dimensions: 2.76 m long, 1.5 m wide and 1.3 m high Epsom salt requirement: 475 kg Water requirement:  750 liters