florajohnston.com - Flora Johnston | Stories from Scotland and beyond

Description: Stories from Scotland and beyond

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It’s been exciting this week to share the news that I’m now represented by Jenny Brown of Jenny Brown Associates , and I’ve been so encouraged by the positive response from the writing community. It’s not surprising though – I’ve been gradually trying to make my way in this world for quite a number of years now, and have always found the writing community here in Scotland and more widely to be a supportive place.

As well as being beyond delighted to have Jenny as my agent, it’s been rather strange this week to have information about my second novel out there in the public domain! I’ve been living in the world of The Paris Peacemakers for the last couple of years, but have so far shared very little about it. The novel was in part inspired by letters written by my great-aunt, who was a typist at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. Most of the action takes place in Paris, but I started working on it early in 2020, just

I can’t wait to share it with you.