floraldaily.com - FloralDaily: global flower news

Description: Floraldaily.com is an online meeting place for the international horticulture industry. The website is updated daily with interesting news from around the globe. Floraldaily intends to provide as much information as possible, which could help growers with the management of their horticultural enterprise.

energy (6173) breeding (926) greenhouse (643) fertilizers (155) crop protection (139) cultivation (130) cut flowers (87) substrates (52) young plants (19) pot plants (13)

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Tuesday, September 5, 2023

"Our varieties for the late summer program have big flowers, are strong, and quite resistant to powdery mildew. These characteristics really boosted the demand, particularly in the US", says Hartwig Bull of Bull Plant Genetics when talking about the Rudbeckia' Sunbeckia,' the Echinacea 'SunMagic' and the…

"A time to never forget!" This is how Renzo Grootscholten described his internship at Bevofarms in Canada. In February, Renzo started his 3rd-year internship for the horticulture and agri-business study in Delft and left for Canada for five months to work at Bevofarms. He could have also done this in the…

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