floridalel.info - Florida Law Enforcement Liaison Program

Description: Florida Law Enforcement Liaison Program - Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over, Click It or Ticket, Operation Southern Slow Down Traffic Safety Campaigns

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One Team. One Goal. Save Lives.

The Florida Law Enforcement Liaison (LEL) Program is a grant funded program sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The goal of the LEL Program is to partner with law enforcement agencies to promote and increase participation in the NHTSA national enforcement waves and the annual Florida Law Enforcement Liaison Traffic Safety Challenge to increase awareness and participation in traffic safety-related efforts.  

The Florida Law Enforcement Liaison (LEL) Program is undergoing modifications to provide enhanced access to documents on this site for disable individuals who are visually impaired and to comply with the requirements of the American with Disability Act (ADA) to make reasonable communications. If you would like additional assistance with the information on this site, please contact web@floridalel.info or 850-694-1130. // Print | Sitemap © Florida LEL Program 2014-2023 window.diy.ux.Captcha.locales = { genera

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