florriemunat.com - Florrie Munat :: Be Brave: A Wife’s Journey Through Caregiving

Description: The web site for Florrie Munat's memoir of her six years caring for her husband, Chuck Munat, after he suffered a stroke and was diagnosed with Lewy body dementia, a fatal, degenerative brain disease with features of both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, in 2003.

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Be Brave: A Wife’s Journey Through Caregiving   invites the reader to walk in the shoes of a caregiver whose spouse suffers from Lewy body dementia. On the day of Chuck’s debilitating stroke—the “day everything changed”—Florrie began chronicling their story with honesty, humor, compassion, and a desire for self-discovery. Six years later when Chuck died of complications from LBD , Florrie sifted through her random notes, journal entries, and written observations, and wove them into this moving memoir: a tri