fluffychixcook.com - Fluffy Chix Cook | Low carb, gluten-free & diabetic-friendly recipes, meal plans and tall-tales from Texas making your low carb

Description: Welcome to Fluffy Chix Cook a food blog dedicated the best low carb recipes, keto, gluten free, and diabetic friendly recipes and meal plans in the universe! No. To infinity and beyond! Our top low carb food blog is focused on supporting healthy low carb, ketogenic and diabetic friendly diets, making these lifestyles fun and easy to follow.

ketogenic diet (78) low carb recipes (34) keto recipes (31) keto meal plans (5) low carb meal plans (3) diabetes friendly recipes (1)

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Salmon Salad makes a rock star Keto KISS Induction and Allergy Rotation Meal. As you’re aware, salads make some of the best KISS Keto Meals on the face of Mother Earth. They’re ready in minutes, often require little or no cooking, and are basically an “assembly job.” Most salads fit excellently within the super low carb Induction framework (under 20g net or total carbs/day), and that makes salads perfect ketogenic vittles. Join Fluffy Chix Cook and the Fluffys to see how Mr. Fluffy rates Fish Day on his 1-1

Naturally low carb keto Slow Roasted Country Style Pork Ribs make a super quick KISS Meal whether or not you follow an Induction level food plan or if you’re following a low carb keto allergy rotation/elimination style of diet. There are very minimal ingredients and yet bold flavors with lots of comfort in this meal. Check in with Fluffy Chix Cook and the Fluffys to see how Mr. Fluffy is progressing and learn a little more about how to rotate food families to help identify food sensitivities while following

Low carb keto Cheesy Tarragon and Balsamic Stuffed Mini Peppers are another quick and easy (KISS) meal for anyone following a low carb lifestyle. They’re perfect for Induction plans where carbs are kept super low and for allergy rotation/elimination plans where you also have to keep ingredients very simple and minimal. Fluffy Chix Cook demonstrates how to produce a comfort food meal while still keeping things KISS (keep it simple sweetie). Keto KISS meals are perfect weeknight meals because they take less

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