fnfnlandcode.com - What are we voting on? | fnfnlandcode

Description: Fort Nelson First Nation Land Code vote on the Land Code and Individual Agreement under the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management Act.

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Fort Nelson First Nation (FNFN) is working to develop our Land Code under the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management .  This will enable FNFN to regain the governance of our lands and resources, which are currently held by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC). 

This web site is dedicated to providing our members with up-to-date information on our Land Code, the land law that will allow us to regain this control.  We need all  of our members to take note of this important land code creation, to voice their opinions on its development, and TO VOTE ON OUR LAND CODE in order to help make it a reality.  Please take the time to visit the pages on the site, and contact us with any questions.   

On reserve or off, your voice is important!