fnzhan.github.io - Fangneng Zhan

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Max Planck Institute for Informatics

I am a postdoctoral researcher at Max Planck Institute for Informatics with Prof. Christian Theobalt . I received my Ph.D. degree of Computer Science & Engineering from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2021, supervised by Prof. Shijian Lu . I also worked as research intern at Alibaba DAMO Academy . I obtained my bachelor degree in Communication Engineering from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China . My research interests are Neural Rendering and Generative Models. Coincidin

∙ [01, 2023] Our Neural Gauge Fields is accetped to ICLR 2023. ∙ [12, 2022] We are organizing workshop on Generative Models for Computer Vision at CVPR 2023. ∙ [09, 2022] One paper is accepted to NeurIPS 2022. ∙ [07, 2022] Our survey paper Multimodal Image Synthesis and Editing is updated. ∙ [07, 2022] Two papers are accepted to ECCV 2022 (1 Oral). ∙ [06, 2022] Two papers are accepted to ACM MM 2022. ∙ [03, 2022] Three papers are accepted to CVPR 2022 (1 Oral). ∙ [01, 2022] One paper is accepted to TIP.

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