Description: A simple and free Windows Explorer that shows folder sizes and more... Adds Explorer columns for folder size, file and folder count, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256 checksums calculated for all files. Export and save explorer folder and file lists to csv files..
windows (7630) export (2897) list (1611) folder (564) explorer (491) size (250) calculate (122) md5 (83) sha1 (23) checksum (17)
Folder Size Explorer is a simple and free Windows Explorer clone with the added ability to calculate folder sizes. Microsoft's built-in Windows Explorer does not calculate folder sizes which means you must select each folder individually and then click properties to determine its size. This can be very time consuming when you're trying to determine which folders on your drive are taking up all the available disk space. Folder Size Explorer calculates folder sizes progressively as you browse them and quickly
Show and calculate file and folder size columns in either KB, MB, GB or TB in Windows Explorer. Show and calculate MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256 and SHA-512 checksum values for all files in Windows Explorer. Export and save Windows Explorer file and folder lists to a csv file. Multiple delimiters available. Autofits Explorer column sizes as you browse and navigate your files. Simple and efficient search of your files and folders based on text, size, date etc. Summary pane showing breakdown of files by extension, day,