- Fondlers Anonymous

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Background - I'm 50, BIKSS is 53. We met in 1988 & got involved in mid 2012. We moved into a DD/lg dynamic a year later. In April 2015 the shit hit the fan. We took some time off but eventually found a new us. I used to live alone except for a year in 2016 when my folks were living with me. Mum has moved in again now that my father has passed (2019). Currently my apartment houses myself, mum, her caregivers and a tenant. He lives with his family. This is us.

It's a tiny thing, smaller than A4 sized paper, and therefore takes up very little counter space. Cost me about $50. It's brilliant!

Not for big families, but since it's just me and the two helpers, it's enough for us. I managed 2 cauliflower hash browns and about 7 fish bites in the tray.

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