- Food Heals Podcast Series - Apple Podcasts

Description: Listen to Allison Melody's Food Heals podcast on Apple Podcasts.

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Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the fields of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU! The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody, author of the book, Food Heals: Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Stories to Nourish Your Soul and Transform Your Health. This sexy, savvy show provides friendly advice on a variety of issues including the healing powe

423: Parasite Cleansing, Colonics, and Going Vegan with John Salley and Megan Brophy (The Most Shocking Stories We’ve Ever Heard on Food Heals - Part 3)

Throughout the years we have heard some crazy, sometimes shocking stories on Food Heals and this is the third installment of our shocking series. Last time you heard from Milo Runkle and Cody Carlson, two undercover investigators for Mercy for Animals who were able to shed light on animal cruelty and continue to fight to change the laws around animal abuse on factory farms. And today, we have two incredible guests sharing their stories of healing through the power of food and lifestyle changes. Our first gu