- Fora Dictionary Pro

Description: Dictionary viewer compatible with StarDict, DSL, XDXF, Dictd, and TSV/Plain dictionaries.

android (9625) ios (6708) dsl (1346) dictionary (807) offline (363) tsv (268) viewer (188) stardict (4) xdxf (4) dictd (4)

Example domain paragraphs

Fora Dictionary Pro is a dictionary viewer.

Platform Application Version Requirements License App Store ForaFX.jar 27.1 Oracle Java 8 Freeware N/A ForaDictionaryPro.apk 27.1 Android 4.4 or later Donationware [1] N/A 27.1 iOS/iPadOS 9.0 or later $4 Updates Change Log Checksums MD5 or SHA-256 1. We request happy users of the app's Android version also consider purchasing it's iOS/iPadOS version using the link above.

No Name Languages Package Source 1. WordNet® English 2. FOLDOC English Disclaimer: The installable packages above are provided for the sole purpose of demonstrating the application's essential viewing functionality. The author of the application hereby rejects any and all liability for the contents of the packages.

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