- Foot Print | Forever Life Casting | British Columbia

Description: Dont allow cherished moments to pass you by, Remember Every Detail with Castings as unique as your fingerprints from Forever Life Casting. Located in Mission, B.C. Fraser Valley/ Vancouver.

wedding (17496) family (12210) baby (5018) casting (1513) keepsake (106) fingerprints (51) hand print (4) foot print (3)

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Book Now About me Hey! My Name is Paige. I have always been a  very sentimental person so capturing memories means a lot to me.

It all started with the birth of my daughter where amidst the excitement and anticipation of seeing her grow and achieve new milestones I grieved her newness that with every moment seemed to fade and I never wanted to forget. I am an artist with a keen eye for detail so naturally life casting has become something which I am passionate about.