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Description: Formulatedby: Fostering community in data. Join our Data Science Salon series for tailored connections. Agile marketing for lasting relationships

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Our business is building community both digitally and face-to-face. We specialize in developing data science, machine learning, MLOps, DevOps and other data related communities. We do this with our own Data Science Salon series and also by creating other unique user conferences, webinars, blogs, podcasts, newsletters, hackathons and mentorship initiatives to help you and your brand build and re-connect with your audience for the long term.

From intimate Zooms, executive round tables, large scale virtual events, to hybrid experiences, connect to your community and build everlasting relationships between your brand and your people. A recent HBR study showed that experiential marketing is a major driver for growth – find out how your brand can make its biggest impact.

In our world, it’s all about long-term relationships. We become part of your marketing team and a member of your family. We are serious about your success. Our small size makes us organized, neat, and nimble.

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