- Fort Jackson Graduation Information - Welcome

Description: One stop source for information on Fort Jackson Graduation. Schedules and locations of graduations along with maps, travel, lodging, and restaurant information.

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Welcome to your complete guide to graduations at Fort Jackson. This is an exciting time in the life of your soldier and we endeavor to provide you with the most comprehensive graduation information available for Fort Jackson. Graduation schedules and events are published below to aid you in scheduling your attendance at your soldier's graduation.  You will find many cost effective options for traveling to Fort Jackson.  You will be able to review the complete details on the many hotels available to meet you

Due to security measures that are implemented at Fort Jackson you may experience delays getting onto the post. Be sure to allow for extra time to make sure you arrive at the graduation event on time.

Family members and/or friends attending graduations that are arriving here by motorcycle must have in their possession a Motorcycle Safety Foundation Card . Without this card motorcyclists will NOT be allowed to ride on post.