- Forum Kriegsenkel

Description: Forum Kriegsenkel, war-descendents Forum Kriegsenkel, Kriegsenkel, Generationsforum, Studie, Lebensgeschichten

nationalsozialismus (97) flucht (85) emigration (53) zweiter weltkrieg (27) faschismus (22) nachkriegszeit (15) kriegsenkel (10) kriegstrauma (2) faschistische gewalt (1) wirtschaftwunder (1)

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War-Descendents Forum Kriegsenkel provides a platform for exchanging and obtaining information about the after-effects of World War II on the descendents of individuals who lived during the war. War-Descendents – the generation born approximately between 1960 and 1975 – grew up in societies that tried to put WWII behind them, often with economics or emigration. The Federal Republic of Germany celebrated the "economic miracle" while the German Democratic Republic became the most economically-advanced member

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