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Changing visions

Our mission is to expose the plan being followed that will, if not reversed, transform our Republic into a socialist dictatorship.  The freedom and opportunity that once was ours will be destroyed forever. We will provide a detailed description of the steps being taken to erode our system of government.  More importantly, we will suggest actions that can be taken to stop this plan, repair the damage that has already taken place, and restore our Republic to the great nation our Founders envisioned.

I am signing my essays as “Publius232” to recognize the contribution that “Publius” made to the development and acceptance of our Constitution.  “The Federalist Papers” are a series of 85 articles and essays written under the pen name “Publius” some 232 years ago. This was the time that our Constitution was written but not yet ratified.  There were actually 3 authors using this nom de plume: James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton. Their articles were written to explain the Constitution to the citiz

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